Sunday, May 21, 2023

Relationships Workshop Wednesday, May 24th, 2023

Preparing the Soul-Being Honest About the Impact of Past Relationships

​8:00am Pacific/11:00am Eastern


​5:00pm Pacific/8:00pm Eastern

​Summer Series-Part One

​Broken past relationships cause stress to the soul, which can unknowingly mar future relationships, if not acknowledged honestly.

​This workshop is for you...if you find yourself making the same relationship mistakes or you're afraid to try new relationships. Come work on breaking the cycle of unsuccessful relationships and free yourself from the past to make way for a future relationship.

​The desired outcome is to create space and time for the soul to breathe, gain perspective, to heal, and to prepare for the future.

​-It's free to attend.

​-Christian based

​I look forward to seeing you at one of the sessions.


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